What can you count on me for?

I asked several of my Spiritual Directees three questions:

  1. What words would you use to describe the work I do?

  2. After we speak, what are the top words you would use to describe the experience I created for you?

  3. What can you count on me for?

Below are some of their replies.

What words would you use to describe the work I do?

Without thinking my answer is love.

Deep and metaphorical/spiritual listening.

Attuned, slow, present, exploratory accompaniment.

Wondrous, transformative, intimate, beautiful, impactful, delightful, challenging, healing.

Wayfaring our way through the terrain of the sacred and falling into and within the mundane to find my way there…

Taking this life around me and cobbling it into my divine.

Being with me in an exploration of my heart and mind.

Holding space.

Bringing curiosity.

Helping me look at my life and my questions through the lens through which I want to view them, even when my instinct/other layers of self pull me toward other lenses.

After we speak, what are the top words you would use to describe the experience?

Coming home to my biggest self.

Excited. Heard.

Nourished, held, clarifying.

Mystery, connection, presence.

Stimulated - connected.

Acceptance, inspiration, wholeness.

[returned to self]

What can you count on me for?

Depth. Truth. A deeper, new perspective.

To be present for me authentically and bring yourself to our connection.

Being there. (And that is huge. Just BE-ing there.)

Meeting me where I am, mostly, except/and occasionally prompting me to check on whether I want to be met where I am or instead to travel together to the place where I wish to be/wish to be met.

Being present and authentic, including being honest when something feels disconnected.

Remembering details that are relevant in the heavenly realm.

Feeling seen and known and held.

Interested in discovering more?


Parenting as Spiritual Practice: Insights and Revelations