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My teachers

”I have learned much from my teachers,
more from my colleagues, and
even more from my students.”
–Rabbi Chanina

I have been blessed with remarkable guides, companions, teachers, and soul friends on my learning journey so far. While the quote from the Talmudic sage above rings true, I want to honor some of my many teachers here so that you might also connect with the wellsprings of their wisdom.

Rabbi Zalman Schacter-Shalomi

Reb Zalman was the founding zeide/grandfather of Jewish Renewal. I received semicha/rabbinic ordination from him posthumously (that’s a longer story for another time) and through him find myself woven with the lineage of the Baal Shem Tov, the iterant teacher, nature mystic, and mysterious founding figure of Hasidism. I continue living on the growing edge of paradigm shift, deep ecumenism, socialized meditation, and techno-spiritual futurism with inspiration drawn from the blessing of Reb Zalman’s kindness.

Rav Kohenet Jill Hammer

I met Reb Jill in a drum circle. We became close collaborators on several of her books, websites, and projects. Some of my proudest work includes the design of the brandmark and prayerbook of Kohenet Hebrew Priestess Institute.

Roshi Bernie Glassman

Beloved Bernie started the Auschwitz-Birkenau Bearing Witness Retreats which I attended and helped facilitate for five years. Practicing the Three Tenets and receiving Council Circle Facilitation training are among the most nourishing practices I have taken on. I am a member of Zen Peacemakers International.

Rabbi Marcia Prager

Founding Dean of the ALEPH Ordination Program, I have been deeply enriched by the presence, compassion, and unflagging energy of this master of The Path of Blessing. Reb Marcia entrusted me with co-leading the Davvenen Leadership Training Institute for several years and connected me with many other teachers and students on the path of Renewal.